Participant Information

Online Application and Information Brochure

Are you ready to begin the quest to discover God's best for your life?  Are you looking for help to get your feet back on the ground with the support you need throughout the week to make that happen? Then now is the time to apply for the Magdalene's Light Transitional Living Home. 

Participant Informational Brochure                                        Participant Application

                                                                                                      Authorization of Release

Join with us

Connect, Keep Up to Date, & Serve

As with any ministry, volunteers and supporters are always appreciated, and we are no exception.  There are several ways to connect.  Please see the links below for more information and to sign up. 

Prayer Needs

First the Praises!  

Wendy Gerber has joined our Board of Directors.  She brings some great experience and organizational skills.  She will be directing the program ladies as they finish up with final details.

For God’s provision so far on the home.  It is coming along great and He has provided!

We had two wonderful church presentations this month.  We were able to share at The Bridge Church in Charles CIty and Living Hope Wesleyan in Cedar Rapids.  

Now the requests:

Bring us the right leadership for the Board of Directors (especially a qualified Treasurer), Program Supervisor, many staff and volunteers; including a tech person for the website & social media.

Provision for the remaining items we need at the house. 

Financial needs: $2550 Monthly budget

For the future participants.  That God is preparing their hearts to receive what He has for them in our program.

For our leadership team:  Gods wisdom, Christian Unity, Passion for the mission, Willingness to set aside personal comfort in caring for and discipleship of “The least of these.”

For completion of our final details before the Open house on June 23rd, including Saturday’s move-in and final cleaning day.

No prayers submitted to the public have been reviewed by our administrators yet.


Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...